Monday, December 22, 2014

Who Is Primal Mom?

I am Amber- a wife, a mom, a cleaner of all things nasty, sticky and stinky and a self-proclaimed amazing cook. Some days I am all of those things at once and some days I fail to be all of those things at all. It is my job and I love each task that has been gifted to me! My husband and I often say our life is a circus.

And. It. Is. Errrrrryday.

In the midst of our daily circus… between three children and two dogs… I have made it a priority to fuel my family with food! I mean real food… unprocessed, straight out of the caveman days, food. Through our journey of discovering how our bodies were meant to be fueled, I have taken on a new task: I want to help others discover their new life! I want my journey to inspire you to forget what has been ingrained (pun intended) into your brain from birth and discover what it is like to eat real food… grain-free, with no processed, packaged, boxed, canned, preserved, chemical garbage! With this, you will discover what it is like to live pain-free, medicine-free and have an abundance of energy!
What led me here? I can tell you this… I have tried every diet pill, exercise equipment, stair stepper, sweat suit, sweat box,  juice cleanse, pill cleanse, diet program and I have counted every calorie and fat gram that crossed my lips! For the first time in my life… EVER… I have finally found peace with food. I no longer see it as the “enemy”. I see food as medicine. Strange? Nope. Food is what keeps us alive!

Follow my Journey! I promise to make it worth it.


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