Wednesday, December 31, 2014

My Legacy

As 2014 draws to a close and we spend our third New Year's Eve eating Primal, I cannot help but think about how our journey began...

It was not an easy transition to make, because we faced many, many naysayers along the way. I am so thankful I didn't listen to those around me. On this journey, I watched us lose an unbelievable amount of weight (and keep it off!) by simply eating the cleanest, tastiest, most nutritious forms of real food, while never counting a calorie or spending countless hours on a treadmill. Within days of changing our diet, I watched my husband's eczema clear up and he will never have to spend another dollar on expensive creams or medications. I watched my own post-partum issues completely and naturally disappear within weeks of beginning primal ... and I can attest to the fact that I never had an ounce of post-partum depression with the birth of our third baby last December. Our seasonal allergies went away... no more daily allergy meds, nose sprays (which my husband was addicted to!), allergy shots... The aches and pains that we thought were normal, just disappeared.

My toddler had severe eczema that would constantly flare up and we had been prescribed expensive creams and medication to treat it. I opted to not use that and remove poor quality dairy from his diet... no more eczema! My teenage son was diagnosed with Tourette's years ago and we have always chosen not to use steroid or other medication treatments. Now, when he controls his diet and eats 100% primal, he does not have any signs of his tics at all. To me, that is one of the biggest blessings through this journey.

We effortlessly have control of our cholesterol, our blood pressure, our weight and our overall healthh. No one in my family has a need for any type of medication. I could, literally, go on and on about the benefits we have seen from simply changing our diet and what we put in our body.

THIS is our new "normal". We had so many people tell us how there is no way to maintain a lifestyle like this. Wrong. We had so many people tell us we need grains in our diet to stay healthy. So very wrong. Not only is this New Year's Eve, but today is also my 33rd birthday (my Daddy's little tax deduction!!). I can say, with confidence, I have never felt better in my life and I look forward to the years to come!

For me, I changed our lifestyle to make myself a better mom, a better wife, a better role model for those around me and to ensure that I am doing everything I can to be around to hear my grandchildren laugh one day. Isn't that what life is all about? On our death beds, will we reflect upon the pasta bowl or pizza we ate 20 years ago or will we look around at our loved ones and be overjoyed with the legacy we are leaving behind... Make 2015 your year of change.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Primal Mom "BBQ" Marinade

Primal Mom "BBQ" Marinade
Author: Amber Butcher-

Servings: will marinate 6 chicken breasts, with left over marinade for basting


3 T chili powder
2 T paprika
1/2 cup local honey
1 T garlic powder
1 T olive oil

Mix all of the above, setting aside about 1 T of the marinade for basting.
You can use this marinade on anything you would use a BBQ sauce for! It has a sweet, tangy taste.
I poured it over 6 chicken breasts, let them marinade at room temperature for 30 minutes. Throw them on the grill and pour any leftover marinade over the top! When you flip your meat over, use the extra tablespoon of marinade to baste the other side.

This would be great on a rack of ribs too!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Primal Mom Mini Honey Biscuits

Primal Mom Mini Honey Biscuits
Author: Amber Butcher -

Servings: 24 Mini Biscuits

  • 1 cup almond flour
  • ½ cup coconut flour    
  • ½ cup honey
  • 3 eggs- whisked
  • 1 t salt
  • 1 t baking soda
  • 3 t apple cider vinegar
  • 2 T melted butter for greasing

  1. Preheat oven to 350.
  2. In a large bowl, mix almond flour, coconut flour, salt and baking soda. Using your fingers, break up any clumps in the flour.
  3. Add honey, eggs and 2 t of the apple cider vinegar.
  4. Grease 24 mini muffin pan cups with melted butter., using a brush.
  5. Add remaining 1 t of apple cider vinegar and mix. Immediately put 1 teaspoon of mixture into each muffin cup.
  6. Bake on 350 for 10 minutes. After removing from oven, let sit for about 10 minutes for center to firm up. Done!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Primal Mom Banana-Blueberry Muffins

Primal Mom Banana-Blueberry Muffins
Author: Amber Butcher-

Servings: 12 Muffins


  • 1 cup almond flour
  • ½ cup coconut flour
  • 1 t baking soda
  • 3 eggs- whisked
  • 2 bananas- mashed
  • 1 cup blueberries
  • ½ cup maple syrup
  • 1 t salt
  • 2 T coconut oil- melted
  • Extra coconut oil for greasing

  1. Preheat oven to 350.
  2. Grease 12-Cup muffin pan with extra coconut oil.
  3. In a large bowl, mix almond flour, coconut flour and baking soda. Break up any clumps in your flour.
  4. Add whisked eggs, mashed bananas, blueberries, maple syrup and salt. Mix well.
  5. Add melted coconut oil and mix. Immediately spoon mixture into muffin cups.
  6. Bake muffins for 30 minutes on 350. Done!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Who Is Primal Mom?

I am Amber- a wife, a mom, a cleaner of all things nasty, sticky and stinky and a self-proclaimed amazing cook. Some days I am all of those things at once and some days I fail to be all of those things at all. It is my job and I love each task that has been gifted to me! My husband and I often say our life is a circus.

And. It. Is. Errrrrryday.

In the midst of our daily circus… between three children and two dogs… I have made it a priority to fuel my family with food! I mean real food… unprocessed, straight out of the caveman days, food. Through our journey of discovering how our bodies were meant to be fueled, I have taken on a new task: I want to help others discover their new life! I want my journey to inspire you to forget what has been ingrained (pun intended) into your brain from birth and discover what it is like to eat real food… grain-free, with no processed, packaged, boxed, canned, preserved, chemical garbage! With this, you will discover what it is like to live pain-free, medicine-free and have an abundance of energy!
What led me here? I can tell you this… I have tried every diet pill, exercise equipment, stair stepper, sweat suit, sweat box,  juice cleanse, pill cleanse, diet program and I have counted every calorie and fat gram that crossed my lips! For the first time in my life… EVER… I have finally found peace with food. I no longer see it as the “enemy”. I see food as medicine. Strange? Nope. Food is what keeps us alive!

Follow my Journey! I promise to make it worth it.
