Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Primal Mom Success Story: From Years of Fertility Issues to 27 Weeks Pregnant with a Healthy Baby Boy

Thank you, Melissa M, for sharing your amazing, raw, unedited, uncut, REAL LIFE journey with me. I get so excited to see your weekly pregnancy posts and cannot wait to meet Baby Mateo in September!

Here is Melissa's story:

"Amber asked me to share my story with you all. I am a primal & essential oil success.

I have lost a pregnancy every year since 2011. I've tried naturally, I've tried fertility treatments (clomid, femara, follistim injects) and got tired of Reproductive Endocrinologists & Obstetricians telling me I'm fine to keep trying. I obsessed, researched, read books and combed forums & finally decided to fly to Chicago to see a reproductive immunologist in August 2013. She diagnosed me with Hashimoto's thyroiditis, blood clotting factors (Pai-1, beta fibrinogen, compound heterozygous mthfr), elevated natural killer cells & cytokines,a to name a few. She gave me prescriptions for metformin, lovenox injections blood thinner injects, prednisone, metanx & recommended I spend thousands upon thousands on Intravenous Imnune Globuline infusions, which insurance denied to cover. I had an ectopic pregnancy June 2014, which led to emergency surgery and I lost my right tube.

I was forced to take a break for minimum of three months to heal. I quit all prescribed medications & knew, deep down inside, I needed to do the one thing I hadn't tried.....change my eating habits. Not only for my autoimmune disease, but for my overall health. I tried and failed to cut gluten several times before. I researched autoimmune paleo and other similar ways of was so overwhelming. I told myself I couldn't commit... Until I saw a post about Primal Mom.

Amber makes eating real food simple and easy: Eat until you are full, eat real food, no counting calories, no starving yourself & recipes/shopping lists are so simple.

Long story short - I purchased her meal plan at the end of August and started in September. I  noticed my frequent migraines started to happen less. I no longer felt sluggish & I started losing weight (hard to do with thyroid issues). My thyroid specialist even asked what I'd been doing, as my thyroid antibodies had dropped from 7,323 to 245 and my thyroid panel numbers had never been so in tune.
In November, I started using an essential oil blend for natural progesterone support.
I purchased meal plan 2 &, most recently, Amber's Crockpot Digital Recipe Book, as well! I have LOVED everything and I felt like I could finally cook! haha. That says a lot for a woman known to make a mean spaghetti & boxed Mac-n-Cheese!
Overall, my TMJ and migraine issues have continued to improve, I feel better, my skin looks better, I have vastly improved digestion & my sweet tooth has disappeared.

BEST part of all, thanks to the above lifestyle changes, I got the surprise of a lifetime in January! Random positive pregnancy test, which led to the best ever HCG levels I have ever received, out of FIVE pregnancies. Here I am, getting choked up at 27 weeks pregnant, with my miracle boy, due in September. All the tears, the heartache, the brokenness, the crushed dreams, and money spent on fertility treatments ONLY to have eating real food heal me.

I'll forever be grateful to Amber for her help.

Don't wait, don't make excuses, don't continue to eat crap food thinking it's not you who has "that" problem. Make a change for the better and live the best life you can.

If you've tried everything else under the sun and nothing has worked....there is a reason! Can't never could!

Melissa G. M."